دیکشنری تخصصی روانشناسی
تیم یک فراکاو در تلاش است تا به صورت حرفهای خدمات تخصصی روانشناسی را به دانشجویان و اساتید این حرفه ارائه دهد. یکی از نیازهای اساسی روانشناسان و مشاوران دسترسی به دیکشنری روانشناسی به صورت تخصصی میباشد.
یک فراکاو بیش از این چندین نسخه از دیکشنری تخصصی روانشناسی را منتشر کرده است.:
نسخه موبایل این دیکشنری به دلایل مشکلات متعدد دیگر پشتیبانی نخواهد شد. نسخه بابیلون دیکشنری روانشناسی یک فراکاو را از اینجا دریافت کنید
برای استفاده از نسخه وب دیکشنری روانشناسی از قسمت جستجو زیر یا از طریق پیدا کردن با کلیک بر روی حروف الفبای انگلیسی، به واژهها و ترجمه کامل آن دسترسی خواهید داشت.
- Ability
- Abnormal
- Absence
- Absolute Threshold
- Absurdity
- Abuse
- Academic
- Academic preschools
- Acceleration
- Acceptance
- Accidents
- Accommodation
- Accomodation
- Acetylcholine
- Achievement
- Achievement motive
- Aching
- Acquired immune deficiency syndrome
- Acquired immune deficiency syndrome(AIDS)
- Acquisition
- Acrophobia
- Action words
- Active
- Active copers
- Activity – rest cycline
- Activity theory
- Acute pain
- Acute pain management
- Adaptation
- Adapting copers
- Adaptive
- Addiction
- Adipocyte
- Adjustment disorders
- Adjustment reaction of childhood
- Adrenaline
- Advance medical directive
- Aerobic
- Affect
- Affection
- Affectionless mother
- Affective disorder
- Affective experience
- Affective factors
- Affective Pleasure
- Afferent
- Age dependent
- Age of viability
- Age spots
- Aggression
- Aggressive behavior
- Agitated depression
- Agitation
- Agnosia
- Agora phobia
- Agoraphobia
- Akathisia
- Alcohlics Anonymous
- Alcohol amnestic disorder
- Alerting procedure
- Alexia
- Alexithymia
- All-or-none Principle
- Altruistic behavior
- Altruistic suicide
- Alzheimer disease
- Alzheimer’s disease
- Alzheimers disease
- Ambidextrous
- Ambivalence
- Ambivalent
- American psychological associatin
- Amine
- Amnesia
- Amnesic fugue
- Amphetamines
- Anagesic
- Analgesic rebound headache
- Analgesics
- Analitic depression
- Analytic
- Anasthetics
- Anatomical
- Androgenes
- Androgyny
- Anencephaly
- Anginapectoris
- Animistic thinking
- Anomia
- Anomic Suicide
- Anorexia nervosa
- Anoxia
- Antecedent conditions
- Anterograde amnesia
- Antianxiety drugs
- Anticholynergic
- Anticipatory anxiety
- Anticonvulsants
- Antidepressant
- Antidepressants
- Antidiuretic
- Antipsychotic drugs
- Antisocial
- Antisocial personality
- Antisocial personality disorder
- Anxiety
- Anxiety disorder
- Anxiety state
- Anxiolytic
- Apathy
- Aphasia
- Aphasia due to word deafness
- Apnea
- Applied behavior analysis
- Appropriate death
- Apraxia
- Aptitude
- Arbitrary attribution
- Archetypes
- Arithmetic test
- Arrhythmia
- Artistic
- Ascending
- Asocial
- Assertive training
- Assimilation
- Assisted discovery
- Assisted suicide
- Associative play
- Asynchronous
- Attachment
- Attention
- Attention deficit disorder
- Attention deficit= inattentive
- Attention-deficit and disruptive behavior disorders
- Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
- Attraction
- Attribution
- Attribution retraining
- Attribution theory
- Auditory Hallucination
- Auditory traning
- Authoritarian style
- Authoritative style
- Autism
- Autistic thinking
- Autobiographical memory
- Autogenic
- Autoimmune
- Autoimmune response
- Automatic nervous system
- Automatic thought
- Autonomic
- Autonomic nervous system
- Autonomous morality
- Autonomy
- Autonomy versus shame and doubt
- Autosom
- Autosomes
- Average
- Avoidance
- Avoidance personality disorder
- Avoidant attachment
- Awareness
- Axon
- Babbling
- baby blues
- Baby talk
- Back pain
- Bad trip
- Balance of care
- Bang
- Barbiturates
- Bargaining
- Barnum effect
- Basic anxiety
- Basic emotions
- Basic trust versus mistrust
- Battered baby syndrome
- Bed-wetting or enuresis or functional enuresis
- Bedwetting
- Behavior change
- Behavior therapy
- Behavioral assessment
- Behavioral disorder
- Behavioral family therapy
- Behavioral medicine
- Behavioral rehearsal
- Behavioral repertoire
- Behaviorism
- Behaviorism approach
- Beliefs
- Benzodiazepines
- Bereavement
- Bestiality
- Beta waves
- Bias
- Biblotherapy
- Bilingual
- Binge eating
- Binocular
- Biochemistry
- Bioecogical model
- Bioengineering
- Biofeed back
- Biofeedback
- Biological aging
- Biologically minded
- Biomechanical
- Biomedical
- Bird like shape
- Bisexual
- Bisexuality
- Biteplates
- Blackbile
- Block design test
- Blocking
- Blunted affect
- Body cavity
- Body image
- Bone marrow aspiration
- Border line
- Borderline
- Borderline personality disorder
- Brachial plexus lesions
- Brain plasticity
- Breech position
- Bright normal
- Bulimia
- Bulimia nervosa
- Burning
- Burnout
- Butter fly
- Café au lait pigmentation
- Caffeine
- Canalization
- Captioning
- Carpal tunnel
- Case history
- Cat cry syndrome
- Catastrophic reaction
- Catastrophizers
- catastrophizing
- Categorical
- Catharsis abreaction
- Causative
- Center for epidemiologic studies depression scale
- Centers for disease control(CDC)
- Centration
- Centrencephalic
- Cephalcaudal trend
- Cerebral cortex
- Cerebral dysfunction
- Cerebral palsy
- Cerebral palsy= cp
- Cervical rid syndrome
- Cesarian delivery
- Character disorder
- Child abuse
- Child abuse and neglect
- Child guidance clinic
- Child-centered preschools
- Child-directed speech
- Childhood
- Childhood disintegrative disorder
- Choreic or clonic
- Chorionic villus sampling
- chromosome
- Chronic daily high-density headache
- Chronic pain
- Chronological age
- Chronosystem
- Circular reaction
- Clairvoyance
- Class inclusion
- Claustrophobia
- Cleft palate
- Client-centered therapy
- Climateric
- Clinical death
- Clinical interpretation
- Clinical Interview
- Clinical Psychologist
- Clinical sensitivity
- Cliques
- Clonic
- Closed-loop communication
- Cluster analysis
- Cluster headache
- Cocaine
- Codominance
- Coefficient of correlation
- Cognition
- Cognitive –evaluative
- Cognitive coping strategies inventory
- Cognitive dissonance
- Cognitive equilibrium
- Cognitive errors
- Cognitive model
- Cognitive modeling
- Cognitive rehearsal
- Cognitive restructuring
- Cognitive training
- Cognitive triad
- Cognitive-behavioral therapy
- Cognitive=anticipatory guidance
- Cohabitation
- Cohort
- Cold pressure test
- Collateral
- Collective Societies
- Collective unconscious
- Coma- post ictal period
- Combined type
- Community mentor program
- Community residential facilities(CRF)
- Complex partial seizure
- Compliance
- Componential analysis
- Componential subtheory
- Comprehension
- Comprehension and formation
- Comprehension test
- Compulsion
- Compulsive rituals
- Computer assisted
- Concordance rate
- Concrete operational
- Concrete operational stage
- Conditioned response CR
- Conduct disorder
- Conflict
- Congenital anomalies
- Congenital malformation
- Congregate housing
- Consanguinity
- Conscience
- Conscious processes
- Consequent events
- Conservation
- Construct validity
- Constructive memory
- Consultant teacher
- Consultation
- Contemplation
- Content validity
- Contextual subtheory
- Continuous distribution
- Continuum
- Contrast sensitivity
- Control Group
- Conventional
- Convergent
- Convergent thinking
- Conversion
- Convert-self-instruction
- Cooperative play
- Cooperative teaching practices
- Coping
- Coping strategies
- Coping strategies question naire
- Coprolalia
- Cordinal
- Coregulation
- Coronary heart disease
- Corpus callosum
- Corpus luteum
- Corpuscallosum
- Corrective emotional experience
- Corrective reading
- Cortex
- Cortical
- Cortical dementia
- Costoclauicular
- Counter Transference
- Couple therapy
- Creativity
- Crisis intervention
- Critical period
- Criticism
- Cross- sectional
- Cross-linkage theory
- Cross-sectional design
- Crowd
- Crystallized intelligence
- Cue-controlled relaxation
- Culture-free IQ Test
- Custodial care in sheltered environment
- Custodial or supportable
- Cut-off point
- Cutting
- Cyclic vomiting
- Day dream
- Day dreaming
- Day hospital or institution
- Deaf
- Deaf- dumb or deaf-mutism
- Death education
- Debile
- Debile savants
- Decent ration
- Defence mechanism
- Defensive lying
- Deferred imitation
- Degenerative
- Degenerative disease
- Delay developmental theory
- Deliberate memory
- Delinquency
- Delinquent
- Delirium
- Delusion
- Dementia
- Demographic
- Denial
- Denial of realitv
- Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
- Dependence
- Dependent personality disorder
- Depression
- Deprivation dwarfism
- Depth perception
- Dermis
- Descending
- Detoxification
- Deveiopmental arithmetic disorder
- Developmental coordination disorder
- Developmental disorders
- Developmental quotient
- Developmental reading and writing disorders
- Diabetes mellitus
- Diabetic
- Diabetic neuropathy
- Diathesis
- Diathesis-sided reflection
- Diathesis-stress
- Diathesis-stress model
- Differential Threshold
- Differentiation theory
- Difficult child
- Diffusion of responsibility
- Digit span test
- Digit symbol test
- Discovery learning
- Discrimination
- Discriminative
- Disease
- Disengagement theory
- Disequilibrium
- Dishabituation
- Disharmonic
- Disorganized-disoriented attachment
- Displaced Aggression
- Displacement
- Dispositional attribution
- Disruptive behavior disorder
- Dissociative disorder
- Distraction
- Distributive justice
- Divergent thinking
- Divorce mediation
- Dizygotic twins fraternal twins
- Dormant
- Dorsal horn
- Double vision
- Double-bind
- Down’s syndrome
- Dropping
- Drug dependency
- Drug withdrawal
- Dualistic thinking
- Dull
- Dullnormal
- Durable power of attorney for health care
- Dyslexia
- Easy child
- Eating disorders
- Ecological systems theory
- Educable
- Effect size
- Efferent
- Egalitarian marriages
- Ego
- Ego integrity versus despair
- Ego-dystonic homosexuality
- Ego-syntonic homosexuality
- Egocentrism
- Elaboration
- Electics
- Electroconvulsive therapy
- Electroencephalogram (E.E.G)
- Elimination disorders
- Embryo
- Embryonic disk
- Emergency reaction
- Emotion
- Emotional behaviour
- Emotional contagion
- Emotional dance
- Emotional ege
- Emotional reeducation
- Emotional self-reguiation
- Emotional self-regulation
- Emotional-affective
- Emotionally maladjusted
- Empathetic
- Empathy
- Encopresis
- Endemic
- Endocrine gland
- Endogenous opioids
- Endorphins
- Enrichment in the classroom
- Entitlement
- Enuresis bed-welting
- Environmental stress
- Epilepsy
- Epileptoid personality
- Equilibrium
- Ergonomics
- Escape/ avoidance conditioning
- Essential hypertension
- Estrogen
- Ethnic and racial origin
- Ethnography
- Ethologe
- Euthanasia
- Evocative
- Exageration
- Exception children
- Excitatory
- Exosystem
- Expansion
- Expectation
- Experiential subtheory
- Experimental Group
- Expertise
- Explict memory
- Explosive personality
- Exposure therapy
- Expressive
- Expressive style
- External validity
- Externalizing disorders
- Extinction
- Extintion
- Extoinction
- Extrasensory Perception
- Extrovercy
- Face validity
- Facial affective scale
- Fact-oriented
- Fallopian tubes
- Family life cycle
- Family therapy
- Fantasy lying
- Fast-mapping
- Fear
- Feed back
- Feminization of poverty
- Fetal alcohol effects
- Fetal alcohol syndrome
- Fetal monitors
- Fetus
- Fibromyalgia
- Fine motor development
- Finger sucking or thumb sucking
- Fixation
- Flash back
- Flooding
- Flow-chart
- Flowcharts
- Fluid intelligence
- Fontanel
- Formal operational stage
- Formal or abstractive period
- Fragile X syndrome
- Frame of refrence
- Fraternal or dizygotic twins
- Free association
- Frontal lobes
- Frontalis
- Frustration
- Frustration-aggression hypothesis
- Fugue
- Fugue state
- Functional age
- Functional analysis
- Functional behavioural analysis
- Functional heartburn
- Fundamental attribution error
- Galvanic skin response
- Gastroesophageal reflux disorder
- Gate control theory
- Gay
- Gender
- Gender constancy
- Gender identity
- Gender identity disorder
- Gender intensification
- Gender role
- Gender typing
- Gene
- General growth curve
- Generalization
- Generativity versus stagnation
- Genotype
- Genteic imprinting
- Gifted
- Glaucoma
- Glial cells
- Global assessment of functioning
- Golden rule
- Goodness-of-fit model
- Grip
- Gross motor development
- Group Test
- Growth hormone
- Guidance study
- Habituation
- Hallucination
- Hallucinogens
- Halo effect
- Handedness
- Hardiness
- Headache
- Health locus of control
- Heartburn
- Hedonism
- Helth psychology
- Heritability
- Hermeneutic
- Herniated lumbar disk
- Heroin
- Herpes simplex 2
- Heterocyclic
- Heteronomous morality
- Hierarchical classification
- Hieroglyphs
- Hight-medication-consumption headache
- Histronic personality disorder
- Home observation for measurement of environment
- Home observation for measurement of the environment
- Homeostasis
- Homosexual
- Horizontal decalage
- Hospice programs
- Hostile Aggression
- Hotflashes
- Hyaline membrane disease
- Hyperventilation
- Hypnosis
- Hypochonderiasis
- Hypochondriasis
- Hypodermis
- Hypothesized constructs
- Hypothetico-deductive reasoning
- I-self
- Id
- Identical or monozygotic twins
- Identification
- Identity
- Identity achievement
- Identity diffusion
- Identity formation
- Identity versus identity confusion
- Iduction
- Iimagery
- Iinterdisciplinary
- Iintrapsychic
- Iinvasive
- Ileus
- Illness
- Illusion
- Imagery
- Imaginary audience
- Imitation
- Immunodeficienyc virus
- Impairment
- Implantation